life-centred design | indigenous worldview | systems/complexity thinking | local futures
What I do
I’m a facilitator, a designer, and a practitioner of thinking in systems/complexity. My current research focuses on life-centred design and indigenous/ecological worldview. I believe in localized, grass-roots approaches to wicked problems.

My Blogs
Not All Problems Are Created Equal!
It is a no-brainer that not all problems are created equal. But it is not a no-brainer that we’ve been solving all problems using the same way of thinking and…
Thinking Simpler and Yet Deeper!
Most of us don’t think simple enough today. In other words, we don’t understand much of what we do in a deep and connected way. We think in a broad-brush…
Of Complex Systems and Birds
What do a flock of birds, the brain, the immune system, the internet and the board game Go have in common? What about intelligence, love, or suffering? How is a…